Visitor Management and Tracking

Cyrun’s Alliance Software includes a module that helps you track of any vendor or visitors to your facility.

Registration and Scheduling Visitors

The Visitor Tracking module allows the organization to register visitors, vendors and guests so that all of the details of the visit are recorded. This includes all of the specifics of the individual visiting like address, phone numbers, email and photos, along with who they are meeting. Each visit has an expected departure date and time so the organization will always know when an individual has overstayed their visit.

Track Alerts

If a visitor has an alert associated with their name, such as being a banned person, the security officer will be immediately notified before the visitor badge is issued. Cyrun also simplifies the data entry process when there are repeat visitors by filling in all of the details about the person just by entering their ID.

Track Visit Status

This module can easily show all of the on premise visitors, visitors that are overdue for checkout as well as all visitors that are scheduled to show up in the future. All visits are recorded to a master names file so that management can easily see who has been showing up and when, through onboard analytics.
