Cyrun's Casino Security Software is named Alliance Casino Enforcer®(ACE). ACE Casino Security Software is the easy, robust and secure solution for incident management, record keeping and threat assessment.
ACE Casino Security Software helps Casinos improve security operations and guest relations. ACE Casino Security Software was designed by professionals with extensive background in law enforcement and is tailored to fit the unique and diverse security needs of a gaming enterprise, including casino guest protection, cash escorts, loss prevention, and tracking of banned persons.
ACE Casino Security Software takes the guesswork out of casino security
Based on Cyrun’s successful security management system used by Police, Fire and EMS Departments, ACE Casino Security Software takes the guesswork out of casino security, replacing the paper-driven model with a powerful data management system that starts paying immediate dividends.Security powered by information
ACE Casino Security Software is a highly integrated system of software components that support the security functions of your casino while improving all facets of your operation. The “engine” that powers ACE Casino Security Software is a central data server where collected information is stored and made available to security personnel and managers. As data flows into the central database throughout your security organization.
Conventional Security vs CYRUN's Casino Security Software

- Event Desk(Dispatch)
- Incident Reporting
- Case Management
- Lost and Found (barcoding)
- Visitor Management and Tracking
- Security Analysis
- Incident Photographs
- Case Escort Tracking
- Alert Tracking (Banned Person)
- Fraud Investigation/Internal Theft
- Personnel Tracking
- Equipment Management
- Automatic Supervisor Paging
- Mug Shots and Search Tools
- Employee Evaluations
- Personnel Training Management
- Surveillance Audit System.
- Alert Tracking
- Automatic Paging/Notifications
- Barcoding
- Case Management
- Fraud Investigation
- Incident Photographs
- Property Management
- Security Analysis
- Employee Evaluations and Training Management
- Equipment Management
- Fraud Investigation
- Secure Internal e-mail
- Mugshot Search Tools
- Personnel Management
- Property Management
- Security Analysis
- Suspicious Persons Listings
- Fraud Investigation