Cyrun’s emergency management systems were designed to handle any kind of incident from a mass causality incident to a hurricane. Dispatchers who use these tools on a daily basis are prepared for large scale incidents through ongoing practice.
If any individual agency suffers a catastrophic failure, all of the critical incident management functions of that agency can be immediately transferred to another Alliance Law Enforcement Network partner agency.
Cyrun also provides an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to provide ongoing management of personnel and equipment during a crisis situation in which the primary dispatch center becomes unusable or unavailable during a catastrophic event such as an earthquake or terrorist act. Cyrun’s EOC system provides a second remote dispatch system that can be operated in tandem with the primary dispatch center of an agency or as a standalone command center if required.
If the EOC server is installed in a remote command center or command vehicle the agency can evacuate the primary dispatch center and continue to perform all dispatch personnel management functions. If both the primary dispatch center and the EOC are in use at the same time (as might be the case during a transitional phase of a major catastrophic event or during a search and rescue operation), the system will create unique event numbers in each command center allowing each command center to operate independently.
All EOC information is instantly available to the primary dispatch center and all dispatch information is instantly available in the EOC as long as the two centers have an active data line between them. If the data line goes down each of the command centers can continue to operate independently until the data line is restored at which point all information is automatically synchronized between the two centers. Since the EOC operates under the exact same manner as the Alliance dispatch system, no additional training is required.